Your “3-Easy Steps to Closing High Ticket Sales” Special Report will arrive in your inbox in 5-10 minutes.  

While you wait, watch this short but important video I made for you...

The Consults that Close Steps

I invite you to get my Exclusive Online Training where I reveal my Step-by-Step Authentic Selling Formula for scoring High Ticket Sales and Dream Clients

($997 $297 – very limited time offer)

This is the ONLY time you will be able to get it at this very low, discounted price.

In this consult I reveal the system that helped me build a successful business as an online Coach...

So I never had to work in a thankless corporate job again!

Discover my 7-Part, High Ticket Authentic Sales Formula

Tools are only as good as your ability to know how to use them!

In this training I reveal my 7-Part Authentic Selling Formula that will help you find dream clients and have authentic sales conversations that you never have to worry about getting high-ticket clients and customers again. Introducing ….

for Female Coaches, Consultants and Course Creators

Here’s Why 2022 Is the Best Time To Launch Your First Coaching Program!

Here’s the truth...

In 2019 the E-learning/Course Publishing industry is set to go through record growth…

Currently it’s an industry that’s responsible for over 150 billion in sales…

But come 2023 it’s set to bring in over 240 billion…

That’s over 200x bigger than the coaching industry!

Pretty crazy, right?

It’s a huge jump and that's why NOW is the time to get your slice of this growth before the market is saturated.

Which is exactly why you’ll love The Course Creation Project…

Using my unique strategies inside the program, I show you how to take advantage of this opportunity big time...

In this accelerated Consults that Close training program, you’ll discover...

Week 1: The High-Ticket Mindset

How to sell High-Ticket offers through Free Consults over the hone (Or Zoom) so that you can generate income quickly and create the lifestyle you want and deserve.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Supercharge your sales with Free Consults
  • Ditch Imposter Syndrome
  • ​Define your client’s Incredible Outcome
  • ​Reset your Money Mindset

Week 2: The Right Offer

How to create an irresistible coaching or course program offering so that you can deliver on the Incredible Outcome that your clients want (and need). Doing this in the beginning means that you’ll be able to build a lasting business that creates abundant income and the free time you deserve to live your out your best dream life.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Reframe your mindset to sell yourself (guilt-free!)
  • Develop and Set your Freedom Number
  • ​Determine your delivery method (DIY / DFY / DWY)
  • ​Create a valuable core offer
  • ​Include compelling bonuses
  • ​Price your offer
  • ​Host a super-valuable free consult that leads to High-Ticket Champagne clients

Week 3: The Right Opener (“Hi”)

How to create an immediate connection on your Consult so that you can lay the foundation for a valuable and productive High Ticket offering at the end:

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Make a genuine connection at the start of your Consult
  • Set yourself up for success by setting the right expectations
  • Removing the expectations that can hinder your consult
  • ​Frame your Free Consult out of the gates for a successful close (aka a High-Ticket sale with a Champagne Client!)

Week 4: The Right Questions (“Why?”)

How to ask all of the right questions upfront so that you can built trust and ultimately work with only Dream Clients that are a perfect fit for your program and expertise.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Gently control the conversation so that you can create the most valuable experience for both you and your prospective client
  • Easily discover why the timing is right for your client to join your Coaching/Program
  • ​Quickly learn why you’re the right fit for your client
  • ​Rapidly Identify your prospective client’s major blockers and pain points
  • ​Ultimately tailor your Consult conversation to helping your prospective client get to her “Beautiful Future” (“Incredible Outcome”)

Week 5: The Valuable Free Consult (“Try”)

How to host an authentic sales conversation by delivering immediate value, so that you can easily increase the chances of a High-Ticket sale for your signature program at the end of the call.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Deliver the right amount of value that create maximum interest (but without over-delivering and giving away the goods for free!)
  • Pre-package high-value solutions so that you can ‘rinse and repeat’ delivering on your free consult in a template format that feels customized but doesn’t take up any additional time
  • ​Deliver on your promise of a super high-value Free Consult
  • ​Check for impact, ensuring your prospective client is engaged every step of the way
  • ​Speak to the value of your coaching/program offering in a way that massively resonates with your audience
  • ​Seamlessly transition from your Free Consult to your irresistible offer

Week 6: The Confident Close (“Buy”)

How to proactively navigate around the most common objections so that you can eliminate them well before presenting your offer.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Clearly differentiate between your program’s “Features” and “Benefits” – this makes ALL the difference in presenting your High-Ticket sales!
  • Present the investment into your coaching/program in a way that’s authentic, easy and a no-brainer for your prospective clients
  • ​Stop attracting objections: little-known secrets to clearing the pathway for client attraction
  • ​Easily overcome objections around: 
  • ​Close the deal and close the call with a High-Ticket offer in hand
  • not being the decision maker
  • not having the money
  • ​not trusting you/themselves
  • ​not being in a hurry/not having the right desire
  • ​Close the deal and close the call with a High-Ticket offer in hand

Week 7: The Overdelivering Onboard

How to create immediate satisfaction so that you can delight your new clients right from the start, and increase chances of a high-value 

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Clearly articulate next steps after purchase
  • Automate the delivery of content
  • ​Warmly welcome your clients to your program
  • ​Deliver an amazing Welcome Kit
  • ​Surprise and delight with surprise bonuses
  • ​Ensure your clients are progressing towards achieving her Incredible Outcome through the power of a Progress Check
  • ​Deliver your program in an easy, consumable way that sets up your client for maximum success

Bonus 1: Step-by-Step Consult Call Script

The EXACT script to use to deliver on a high-value, high-converting Free Consult call, with exercise to customize your conversation to your own offering.

Bonus 2: Overcoming Objections Call Script

The EXACT script to use to overcome the most common objections, including no money, no time, no trust and not the decision maker.

Bonus 3: Online Booking Calendar Training

Everything you need to know about creating your own step-by-step personalized Consult booking calendar in less than an hour.

Bonus 4: Fast-Start Customized Action Plan (SUPER LIMITED - First 5 Action-Takers ONLY!

A 1:1 Private Coaching session with Les Tyler to create your very own personalized roadmap to six-figure success in 2022!

Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything
You’re Getting When You Join Me Inside
The Consults That Close Formula

The Consults that Close Formula ($4,997) PLUS all of the incredible Bonuses…
• Bonus 1: Step-by-Step Consult Call Script ($997)
• Bonus 2: Overcoming Objections Call Script ($997)
• Bonus 3: Online Booking Calendar Training ($497)
• Bonus 4: Fast-Start Customized Action Plan ($997)

Kind of crazy value, right?! ;-)

Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately you’d be spending well over $8,000!

(Which would still be a great deal, by the way.)

But I'm not going to make you pay anywhere near that today.

In fact…

In this accelerated training you will discover...

Week 1: The High Ticket Mindset

                      Example text

Week 2: The Right Offer

                      Example text

Week 3: The Right Opener (“Hi”)

                      Example text

Week 4: The Right Questions (“Why?”)

                      Example text

Week 5: The Valuable Free Consult (“Try”)

                      Example text

Week 6: The Confident Close (“Buy”)

                      Example text

Week 7: The Overdelivering Onboard

                      Example text

SECRET BONUS TRAINING: The Fearless Follow-up

                      Example text

Bonus 1: Step-by-Step Consult Call Script

                      Example text

Bonus 2: Overcoming Objections Call Script

                      Example text

Bonus 3: Online Booking Calendar

                      Example text

Bonus 4: First 5 Action-Takers Receive
1:1 Private Coaching

                      Example text

Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything You’re Getting When You Join Me Inside The Consults That Close Formula

                                                 The Consults that Close Formula ($1997) FREE

                                                Plus everything inside The Doers Inner Circle…

                                                Doers Welcome Package Sent To Your Door The Moment You Join...

                                                Monday to Friday Q&A Access to Me and My Team to Ensure You’re

                                                Never Stuck and Always Moving Forward…

                                                Live Coaching Calls Twice Per Month…

                                               Just a bit of value, right?! ;-)

Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately you’d be spending over $9,000!

(Which would still be a great deal, by the way.)

But I'm not going to make you pay anywhere near that today.

In fact…

What Actual Clients Have to Say About Les

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers
At Boss Lady Up, we don't believe in get-rich-quick programs - we believe in working with integrity, hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. Your results in life are up to you. We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings - all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email We appreciate you stopping by.